At Central Belt Salvage We offer the best car Scrap yard services in Edinburgh

If you have a car that’s in need of some TLC, then Central Belt Salvage is the yard for you. Offering a wide range of services including car scrap yard services, we can take care of everything from sorting through your car to selling it off. We know the importance of offering customers quality service, and that’s why we offer competitive rates and a range of services that are sure to meet your needs. So if you’re looking for a scrap yard that offers top-quality services, look no further than Central Belt Salvage.

Scrap yard services Edinburgh

What is Central Belt Salvage?

Central Belt Salvage is the Edinburgh car scrap yard that offers the best car scrapping services in the city. We have a large and varied collection of cars, from luxury models to old bangers, that we can take apart and recycle.

Our team of experienced car recyclers are experts at removing all the parts of a car without damaging the engine or other components. This means that we can often turn old cars into valuable resources that can be reused or recycled.

If you’re looking for a reliable and honest car scrapping service in Edinburgh, then look no further than Central Belt Salvage. We’re proud to be one of the most trusted scrap yards in town, and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed with our services.

Central belt salvage

Our car scrap yard services

Central Belt Salvage is Edinburgh’s best car scrap yard. We offer a wide range of services, including car scrapping, auto dismantling and salvage. Our team of experienced technicians are able to handle any car salvaging project with ease.

We understand that not all car scrap yards offer the same level of service, so we make sure to go above and beyond to ensure that our customers are happy with their experience. From our reliable and professional team members to our state-of-the-art equipment, we know how to get the job done right.

If you’re in need of quality car scrapping services in Edinburgh, then look no further than Central Belt Salvage. We’re here to help you get your vehicle scrapped safely and quickly, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Our car scrap yard services

How we process your car scrap

Central Belt Salvage is the best car scrapping yard in Edinburgh. We offer a wide range of scrap car removal and recycling services to meet the needs of all our customers. Our team of qualified mechanics are experienced in processing all makes and models of cars.

We start by assessing the condition of the car and determine whether it can be recycled or not. If the car is able to be recycled, we will set up a designated area for it to be processed. Most of our cars are recycled into new parts or used as combustible materials for energy production. Whatever the outcome, we ensure that your car scrap experience with us is easy, affordable and convenient. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

What to expect when you visit our car scrap yard

If you’re in the market for a car scrap yard in Edinburgh, look no further than Central Belt Salvage. Our yard is home to some of the best equipment and personnel in the business, and we’re committed to providing our customers with quality service at a fair price.

Here’s what you can expect when you visit our yard:

We have a wide range of equipment and personnel to handle all your car scrapping needs. From heavy-duty shredders to cutting machines, we’ve got everything you need to get your vehicle recycled properly.

Our team is extensively trained in all aspects of car recycling, so they’ll be able to handle any problem that arises. Plus, we always use the latest safety equipment and techniques to keep everyone safe.

We also offer a variety of other car repair services, so if you need help fixing your vehicle or finding replacement parts, we can help you out. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!


At Central Belt Salvage, we pride ourselves on providing the best car scrap yard services in Edinburgh. We have a team of qualified and experienced scrap vehicle disposal specialists who are here to help you get rid of your old car as quickly and efficiently as possible. We offer a wide range of prices for our services, so whether you need us to remove your entire car or just pick up some parts, we can help. Contact us today to get started!


When you bring your car to Central Belt Salvage, we will determine its value based on condition and make an offer to buy it. After deciding whether or not to purchase the car, we will then begin the car scrapping process by removing any usable parts. This may include the engine, transmission, interior, and exterior. Depending on the condition of the vehicle, we may also remove items such as tires and rims. Once all of the parts have been removed, our team will dispose of them in a safe and responsible manner.

The price for car scrapping depends on the size and condition of the vehicle. However, our standard rates start at £60 per vanload (up to four vehicles). To find out more about our rates and how they’re determined, please contact us at Central Belt Salvage.

The best way to get a quote for car scrap is to contact us at Central Belt Salvage. We can provide you with a free quote based on your specific needs. In addition, we offer free consultations so that we can determine the best solution for your car scrapping needs.

At Central Belt Salvage we offer the best car scrap yard services in Edinburgh. You can either come to our yard, or we can collect your vehicle for you and deliver it to our yard. We have a wide range of scrap yards that are approved by the Environment Agency, so you can be sure that your vehicle will be dealt with properly. Our team of experts will take care of everything from loading the vehicle onto our trucks, to recycling all the material recovered. If you have any questions about getting your car scrapped, please don’t hesitate to contact us.